You are here: Waste management - Bulk waste

Bulk waste

Bulk waste is picked up by two vehicles! One truck picks up any bulk waste made of wood, such as wooden furniture, shelves, etc.; the second truck collects non-recyclable bulk waste. So please set your bulk waste out at the side of the street by 6.00 h of the collection day, separated by wood and other bulk waste. Bulk waste placed on private property will not be picked up!

Bulk waste from households is everything that would not fit in the gray waste container because of its size.

Bulk waste is picked up upon call. Every household connected to the garbage collection system can request bulk waste pick-up in household quantities twice per year.

Please note: the waiting period for bulk trash pick up is aprox. 4 weeks.

After receipt of your request, the county administration will notify you in writing of the pick-up date.

Bulk waste includes:

  • any household items (max. side length 2 m)
  • such as rugs (rolled up)
  • large toys
  • wood-burning
  • coal-burning or oilburning furnaces (for oil furnaces: drain the tank completely, clean the furnace and set it upside down with opened tank; take tank residue and filters to the hazardous waste truck)
  • large suitcases and boxes
  • furniture
  • bulky garden and household items
  • comforters
  • car seats
  • baby carriages
  • children's car seats
  • bicycles

You can request by phone, by E-Mail: sperrmuell(at)kaiserslautern-kreis(dot)de or by Mail.

Collection of these waste items is done by two vehicles. One vehicle will only collect wooden items, the other one will pick up non-recyclable items. Bulky items are collected twice a year. On the day of collection put your items outside next to the road ready for pick-up at 6. a.m.