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Waste management in the county of Kaiserslautern

The separate collection of household waste within the county of Kaiserslautern

Persons residing in Kaiserslautern City must contact the Stadtbildpflege Kaiserslautern – the waste management of the city.

The waste management office of the county administration is at Lauterstraße 8, 67657 Kaiserslautern. Here the directions.

Contact form and contact persons within the waste management.

Current news from the waste management

Overview of Waste fees 2021-2023

Yellow Bag information

Glascontainer locations 2023
The glass container locations are no dumping places

Opening times of the collection points for garden clippings

Electronic scrap and bulk waste can be picked up upon request. The pickup date will be approx.3 - 4 weeks after your request. More informations can be found in the Garbage Guide brochure on the right.

Waste separation, a first guideline

Waste-Flyer English
Waste-Flyer Arabic

„Waste seperation works“ Here you find informations about the dual systems and a separation chart for the yellow bag, for glass and for paper/cardboard

Avoid the release of pharmaceuticals into the environment – protect waters

More and more residues of medicinal products, even dangerous substances, are being detected in surface waters. This is an alarming fact and we want to take the opportunity to provide information on the subject [more...]